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Stage open to your stories

 Improvisation clips for the event of discussion circles, seminars and seminars

How It Works?

You have a goal: you want to sum up a working day in a refreshing way, you want the contents of the discourse circles on your seminar to get a creative twist, you want to dissipate frontal lectures and put in some pepper.

We have the tool: improvisation clips for the event of discussion circles, seminars and seminars. Our actors are with you during the event, listening to the content that comes up and creating improvisational pieces that touch the heart of the matter in a way that involves the heart, the emotion and the thought of the audience. The improvisation sections propel processes forward, illuminating new perspectives and creating a connection between people and experiences.


Our gift to you is an effective, focused work that takes the content business to a new level.


סצינה תיאטרלית מתוך מופע פלייבק באירוע של מעגלי שיח, דיונים והשתלמויות

 Improvisation sections for discussion circles, seminars and advanced training

Examples from selected projects

Improvisation sections are a very useful tool in seminars and seminars. One of the most effective uses is to use the tool as part of an event of round tables or discussion circles. In an event based on discussion and discussion circles, the question is always asked how can one collect the different experience that each group experienced to the plenum? How can you create content within a discourse event that will reconnect the big circle? What does improvisation look like from discourse circles from the guys from Ichilov?


At events of this kind, our players who are skilled in deep listening and improvisation, listen to content that comes up in every circle. At the end of the small circles, the audience goes out for a break and our team gathers to share the issues and themes that have arisen. Next, the team creates from material that has come up with a number of improvisational segments lasting about 10-15 minutes that summarizes the significant themes, touches on the essential points and adds new angles to the discourse. At the end of the break, the crowd gathers back into the plenum. Representatives from the various discourse circles can summarize in a few points, and our team comes up with the improvisational passages built in the here and now. In this way, the plenum becomes the culmination, a creative celebration that touches deeply on the main content.

In an event of conversation circles, sometimes the client will choose to open the event with a number of pre-prepared game pieces from materials, dilemmas or scenarios he sends in the context of the event theme. We are in the process of developing content and creating a number of scenes based on the materials we have received. The theatrical opening puts the event in high gear and makes the discussion more effective and lively.

Because our actors are skilled at working with stories through playback theater, sometimes the client will choose to open the event with a playback theater show . During the show, the participants share personal stories related to the topic under discussion, and we play the same stories on stage. In this way, the participants enter the process on an emotional and deep level. From here, the day goes on to lectures, panel or discussion circles, and we integrate with improvisational segments during the event.

In the Corona period, we included all our tools and today they are all adapted for a virtual encounter .

Here are some examples from field work


Training days of an educational institute through a village

Improvisation clips from discussion and discussion circles during seminars for educational staff in youth villages all over the country

Educational entrepreneurship

Improvisations on the days of the exposure of educational projects - in collaboration with inql, the Foundation for the Encouragement of Educational Initiatives, the Division for Professional Development in the Ministry of Education

Mental health reform

Game clips to summarize an orientation day for the directors of the psychiatric hospitals in the country

Parent-teacher communication

Event in collaboration  Lev Hasharon parent leadership - improvisation from discussion circles in a joint evening of parents and teachers on optimal communication

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