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Stage open to your stories

Simulation days as a tool for professional development

How It Works?

You have a goal: you want your team to practice 'on dry land' in a safe environment, and practice conducting complex professional events that require high skills of empathy and communication. You want to hold simulation days as a tool for professional development of the team.  

We have the tool: Simulation segments that are built in collaboration with you and focused on touching on the most significant issues. Each scene is focused on a clear learning goal. We take care of a good team atmosphere, learning from fruitful colleagues, and aim for the growth of your professionals. Our work is based on an evolving thinking pattern that holds that learning from experiences and mistakes is the key to constant professionalism. For the benefit of learning at the end of each simulation there is an adaptation and the facilitators of the meeting collect authentic feedback and construct from both the experienced and the players and the watching team.

Our gift to you is effective, inviting and focused work, which develops your professionals as individuals and as a team.


ימי סימולציות במ.ט.ס איכילוב
 החבר'ה מאיכילוב

Simulation days

Examples from selected projects

Simulation days are significant and memorable days in the employees' experience. Some professionals remember the experience from the days of the simulation even after many years of professional work. Why?

This is because of the action. During simulations we run. We combine all our parts - the mental, emotional, physical part, we go on the small stage and take a risk, face the challenge in a safe atmosphere. It is an experience of effective and meaningful learning.

Simulation days can take place in various fields, for example - administrative simulations, command simulations, medical simulations, educational simulations and more.

Over the years we have chosen to specialize in the professional development of teams from the field of health education and welfare, believing that these areas ultimately affect us all. These areas produce an interpersonal encounter that raises dilemmas and challenges. Simulations lead to professional development and the development of empathy and communication skills and at the same time they really support employee empowerment and team empowerment.  

Simulation days are sometimes also used as part of final exams and as part of entrance exams. This is a significant way to assess the communication skills of employees or students, identify hotspots, and identify hotspots that require further learning.

Our simulation day facilitator and our players are skilled in listening and improvisation and are committed to creating a positive atmosphere and group and individual learning.  

Because our actors are skilled in playback theater and working with stories, we sometimes choose together with the client to open the simulation day in a playback theater show . During the show, participants share their experiences in the context of the learning theme, and we play the same stories. In this way, the day opens in an interactive and personal way that connects the participants on a deep emotional level into the process. After the show we dive into the simulation work based on the scenarios we have defined.

In the Corona period, we included all our tools and today they are all adapted for a virtual encounter .

Here are some examples from our work in the field

Simulations as part of final tests

Individual simulations as part of the final exams in the 'Man and Medicine' course, Hadassah Ein Kerem Faculty of Medicine

Simulations in MTS

Exclusive providers for players in the new simulation center at Ichilov Hospital - emphasis on psychiatry and interpersonal communication

Group Simulations School of Nursing

Simulations in the group as part of workshop days at the Scheinborn School of Nursing - dealing with violence in the health system, dealing with the elderly in situations of neglect and risk and more

Management Development

In collaboration with inql, simulations of admissions interviews for teaching staff, entrepreneurs, managers of incubators for educational entrepreneurship

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