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תיאטרון פלייבק החבר׳ה מאיכילוב עמוד הבית

Welfare Workers Professionalism

Courses and workshops for  professional development of caregivers and welfare workers

Courses and workshops for welfare workers

How do we support the training and professional development of caregivers and welfare professionals ??

Through a variety of workshops and courses that focus on the core of therapeutic-social work, we aim to serve the needs of your team and organization. Here are a number of courses and workshops for the professional development of caregivers and welfare workers. The unique programs support the work of therapists, counselors, professional counselors, members of associations and social organizations, volunteers and community workers.  

 Playback theater as a tool for therapists-  The course ran for several years at the PISGA centers in various places in the country and was a great success.  Through such an ongoing 30 hours course, your staff will be able to acquire tools from the world of improvisation and playback theater, deepen their listening skills, and develop their spontaneity and creativity. During the course, participants share dilemmas from fieldwork and are able to get creative repercussions on the work and its meaning. The resonance translates into effective field work. During the work, a supportive and creative group of colleagues is created.

Creative troubleshooting-  30 hours course. During it we will teach your team the principles of creative problem solving, a tool whose broader principles are summed up in the design thinking approach. We will teach your team tools for developing innovation and creative solutions that are focused on empathy for the experience of the customer, patient, beneficiary or applicant. During the course we will focus on a challenge that we will define in advance, the team members will go out to explore the world of the challenge, learn tools for successful brainstorming, come up with ideas for solving the challenge, choose one idea and create a prototype from it. With the prototype they'll go out into the field to get feedback, improve the prototype in the process of repetition, and share the wider circle with their idea in the form of a presentation.

Winning teamwork - principles for winning teamwork from the world of improvisation. A one-time workshop or a 6-session course. All improvisation work is based on teamwork. point.  During the course we will teach your team tools from improvisation: the ability to respond spontaneously, increase listening skills, the ability to say "yes and.." to other people's ideas, the ability to take turns, the ability to pardon and the ability to give constructive feedback.  

Public Speaking - an association that wants to grow needs to speak out and communicate its work. How do your staff members face an audience? How do they tell about your aims? Does it help you reach more donors? Does it help you advance and fulfill your promise?  We use tools from the world of the stage to get your people to realize their potential in standing in front of an audience ,through useful tools and peer learning.

You can also have personal preparation and coaching for managers and speakers.

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