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תיאטרון פלייבק החבר׳ה מאיכילוב עמוד הבית

Professionalism in the healtcare system

Training, professional development and team development

תיאטרון פלייבק החבר׳ה מאיכילוב מ.ט.ס יום לקהילת הסימולציות

Professional training and development for healthcare professionals

Health care professionals at all levels face every day a variety of human stories, sensitive dilemmas, and complex communication situations. At the same time there is almost no room for the team members to stop and observe for a moment from the sidelines the flow of events, gain a new perspective or practice new ways of coping. A senior physician simply told us, "There is no place for the soul in the health care system," he meant the soul of the professionals. We believe it is a basic right of a professional to have a space for processing and learning, and it is a right of patients to have an inclusive medical staff that can accommodate and be there for them.

Dr. Yardena Kol and Dr. Irit Schwartz Atias - Director and Deputy Academy of Nursing Meir  Hospital, after a playback show on hospital - community continuum

We hear from students and medical staff everyday stories or burning events, and work with them through various tools including playback theater performances ,  Individual and group medical simulations ,  Improvisational scenes,  Theatrical Lectures  And workshops.  The theatrical instruments allow a freshness and a new perspective, and produce better and more cohesive teamwork. The ability to observe for a moment from the side, practice and play with everyday tasks and events,  Create constant renewal, prevent burnout and the good change seeps into the patients at the end of the day. In this way, processes of training, professional development and team development can be creative, interactive and effective.

If you too need creative means for advanced seminars and professional courses for your teams, contact us! We have a lot to offer you!  We will start with a conversation in which we will understand your needs and your goals and your dreams and from there we will build the event in the most appropriate way!

Here are some examples of inspiration from our work 

Scheinborn - Ichilov Nursing School

Long-standing cooperation -  Long workshops for students with an emphasis on burning issues in the health system, such as dealing with violence in the medical field, treating the elderly in situations of neglect and risk, and therapist-patient communication. 

MTS Ichilov

Long-standing collaboration - simulation days for students and professionals - doctors and nurses. Exclusive providers of MTS Ichilov (the hospital's advanced simulation center) for therapist-patient communication simulations. The simulation days include feedback and processing and are aimed at positive and effective focused professional development.  

The Academy of Nursing - Meir Hospital

Advanced training for nursing students in the subject - "Dealing with bitter news and situations of grief and loss". The days include a combination of a playback theater show and group simulations.

Assaf Harofeh Nursing School

Acting segments in communication skills course for  nursing students

Dilemmas in the treatment of dialysis

Combining simulations and playback theater for staff at dialysis institutes throughout the country, in collaboration with the Association for the Advancement and Preservation of the Rights of Kidney Patients

Dealing with dilemmas in oncology units

A playback theater show and game pieces are included in an expert panel at the association's seminar  for promoting oncological nursing.  Playback theater show for Palliative care a nurses sa part of a supportive care course - Clalit Healthcare, Dan District

Dealing with end-of-life events

Playback theater performances and simulations as tools for staff members to deal with end-of-life events.

Assuta Medical Centers - The Bitter News Conference, Hadassah Ein Kerem - "End of Life Conference",  Ichilov Pediatric Intensive Care

Human and medicine Course - communication therapist patient

Playback Theater Performances,  Simulations,  acting clips and tutorial videos

Human and Medicine Course Hadassah Ein Kerem - Final Tests, MTS Ichilov, Ichilov Emergency Room Staff

Professional development for clinical instructors

Playback theater show for clinical instructors at Ichilov Hospital

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