Stage open to your stories
Playback theater performances
Playback theater show - improvisation based on real stories of people from the audience!
If you are looking for an interactive show that creates a connection between people, if you are looking for a funny and exciting experience, if you are looking for professional development or creative organization - this is the tool for you!
How It Works?
You have a goal: you want to hear what dilemmas your team is facing, you want to open a stage for voices from the field to develop a discussion, you want to summarize a work process, you want to face an organizational or team challenge, you want to create a stronger community, you want to build A shared vision.
We have the tool: Playback theater performances during which our actors who are skilled in deep listening, listen to your stories and improvise them on the spot. Each show is created in collaboration with the audience so each event is a one-off.
We like to touch the whole spectrum of emotions, laugh at emotion and evoke thought.

The show's moderators contact you about a week before the show for a preliminary conversation. In the preliminary conversation we will hear details about the audience and the purpose of the day, we will close technical details and set off. This is our opportunity to tailor the show to the specific needs of each client. The show staff will arrive at the show venue about an hour before it starts to get organized and warm up. At the beginning of the show we will warm up with the audience in the form of improvisation based on short sentences and sayings of the audience and later we will move on to listening to deeper and richer stories and reflecting on each of the stories on stage. We will close the show with an improvisational section that addresses the content and experiences from the show.
Our gift - to allow diverse voices to be heard, to bring new perspectives to the stage in a creative and fresh way, and to produce A closer and more connected community
Dror Levy - Principal of Amal Energitech School concludes a playback theater show for the educational staff

Playback theater performances
Examples from selected projects
Over the years we have chosen to specialize in working with teams and organizations in the health and welfare education system.
Playback shows for teams and organizations in the health and welfare education system are shows that are designed to be part of a process of professional development and organizational change.
In the process of professional development the playback show creates a creative space for dealing with complex dilemmas at work . Through the playback theater show, the staff members get to know each other in depth, deepen their sense of partnership and gain a new angle on the meaning of the work.
In organizational development processes, playback theater performances serve as a way to gather authentic voices from the field, flood and deal with conflicts and produce a shared vision. Example design thinking processes that rely on the customer journey / employee journey can leap forward and deepen empathy through playback theater performances. Another example is combining playback theater performances in a branding and organizational process that includes storytelling to formulate the organization's story and to collect authentic stories of employees from the field.
A playback theater show can be one-off, but it may have a deeper and wider impact when we drive a move of a series of playback shows. In such a process employees get to know the tool in depth, befriend it and dare to share more complex stories as time goes on.
Another significant work occurs when customers choose to combine during the day in addition to the playback theater show also a unit of simulations , a unit of improvisation from conversation circles or opening with pre-prepared game segments - content development . In addition, during the day participants can become more active and step out of the familiar comfort zone into a new experience when combining a playback theater workshop, an audience standing workshop or a creativity development workshop .
In the Corona period, we included all our tools and today they are all adapted for a virtual encounter .
Here are some examples from our extensive fieldwork
Professional development in the field of education
Playback theater performances as part of the training and professional development of education teams throughout the country, including the Teachers' Association, the Institute for Democratic Education, Matayot, Beit Berl College, the Hotam Association
The shows touch on educational dilemmas from field work
Professional development in the field of treatment
Playback theater performances as part of the training and professional development of care and community teams throughout the country and among them - Lotan Association, the Association for Children at Risk, Tel Aviv Assistance Center, Beit Noam, Beit Eckstein, Ness Ziona Psychiatric Center, Contact Organization, Nirim Association, College of Social Work Ashkelon Academy
Professional development in the field of health
Playback theater performances as part of the training and professional development of medical staff throughout the country, including Sheinborn Nursing School, Assaf Harofe Nursing School, Hadassah Ein Kerem, Ichilov Hospital, Beilinson Hospital, dialysis institutes throughout the country, Maccabi, the Association for Promotion Physiotherapy